1 Answer
Summer camps employ qualified nurses and med-certified staff to ensure that all medication, controlled or over-the-counter, is properly handled. There are also a number of CPR- and First Aid- trained staff members who can assist in medical situations. All of the program’s employees are given a basic training on first aid as well as on the importance of identifying and dealing with allergies and asthma. These staff members are also given information about common mental health conditions like depression and ADHD/ADD.
All medication is locked up. Only qualified personnel have access to this information. The health form is important because important information about medication is listed here. If parents have questions about medication or healthcare, they should call the camp and talk with the nurse and director. This is also a great chance for parents to explain any side effects of medication like dehydration or loss of appetite.
All medication is locked up. Only qualified personnel have access to this information. The health form is important because important information about medication is listed here. If parents have questions about medication or healthcare, they should call the camp and talk with the nurse and director. This is also a great chance for parents to explain any side effects of medication like dehydration or loss of appetite.