Summer Camps in Milwaukee County, WI
This class teaches the basics of sketch writing. What makes the premise of your sketch funny? Learn heightening and writing efficiently in your scenes. Different types of sketches will be introduced as will rewriting sketches, and writing with others. There will be home-work assignments each week. No prerequisite to start this class (Level 1 Improv is recommended). Cost: $380 (323) 962-7560
Milwaukee County, WI Summer Camps
To find more camps in Milwaukee County, WI type address, city or zip code in the search box.
Latest Camp Talk
What Are the Activities like at Summer Camp?
The whole point of summer programs is to keep youth busy. Thus, most kids wake up and have breakfast by 8am. Traditional activities include arts and crafts, sports, swimming and boating. There are groups that offer specialized or advanced activities like archery, horseback riding, and sailing. An activity like horseback riding may have an additional cost or require that youth come to camp with special equipment and clothing.
Specialty camps have specific classes or activities linked to their mission. For example, academic programs will include classes, religious camps will have Bible study, and leadership-focused programs may have public speaking sessions....
Summer Weekend Camping Trip - North Atlanta Christians - Catawa Falls
Summer Camping Trip! Come join is for the annnual weekend of fun in the woods! Catawa Falls Campground offers great streamside tent camping sites, cabins and fantastic waterfalls to explore. We will be hiking and exploring the area around that Campground. We will be 25minutes from Asheville, NC The cost will be roughly $10.00 per person per day of tent camping. The sites we will secure are right off the river! We will have a nearby pavillion to grill and cook. There are MANY cabins to choose from, the cabins have electricity but no running water. All showers will be at the bath house in the middlefo the campground. Those that want to paticipate in getting a cabin please let me know and we can firgure out the cost per person. Campfires every night! Get your marshmellows ready! THIS IS A KID FRIENDLY EVENT!! Kids will have plenty to do with creeks to wade through and a playground nearby. Thsi is going to be a FUN FANTASTIC weekend! We hopeyou can join us!
Kid's Art Camp Ages 6-12 Early Afternoon - Wellston, OH
July 26-28 from 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm each day. Register your kiddos now for the July Art Camp. Three days of art lessons, group projects and hands on fun. Kids ages 6-12. . Snacks will be provided. Price is $75.00 per child. Must receive registration and fee no later than July 18 to guarantee spot. Please send child's name, age, address and phone number to [email protected] along with preferred payment method. Payments accepted via our website at or mail check to 15. South Ohio Ave. Wellston, Ohio 45692.
107.7 THE END Summer Camp 2015 - Redmond, WA
107. 7 THE END Presents: Summer Camp 2015 With Matt and Kim, Robert DeLong, Glass Animals, Chet Faker, Saint Motel, Joywave, Meg Myers, and In The Valley Below Saturday August 15, 2015 at Marymoor Concerts Doors at 12:00pm All Ages to Enter
Joplin High School Kids Winter Show Choir Day Camp - Joplin, MO
All area kids are invited to Joplin High School Show Choirs Kids' Winter Show Choir Day Camp on Saturday, December 17th! This all day camp is $65 per student for kids in grades 2-8. All proceeds will go to the JHS Show Choir Program. End of camp performance at 5 pm in Joplin High School's Coulter Auditorium. For more information, message us here or contact Monica Reynolds at [email protected].
Veteran's Day Teen Service Project - Seattle, WA
Put your school holiday days to work! Join us on Veteran’s Day, November 11, for a service day in the local Seattle community. Pack a lunch, snacks and water to stay energized for our project. Friday morning will be spent at Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland. We will be helping to restore the wetland habitat by removing invasive weeds, spreading mulch, and planting native trees and shrubs! $15 fee to participate includes staff supervision and transportation to service projects.
Camp Chemistry Morning - Newtons Attic
Camp Chemistry can be taken as a full day class or half-day, either morning or afternoon. To register for the full day, please register for both half-days. Morning and afternoon experiments will not be repeated, so students will have new material in each session. Glowing water, blue and red flames, and mountains of oozing foam are everyday occurrences in Camp Chemistry at Newtons Attic. This camp will expose students to the fun and sometimes bizarre world of chemistry, chemical reactions and exciting things that can be made with the right mixture of knowledge, chemicals and materials. In addition to playing with (safe) chemicals, students will work in the shop to fabricate various items, such as test tube holders and similar gadgets that will aid in their exploration of the world of chemistry. Everyone gets to keep everything they make or do at Newtons Attic so that the fun and learning can continue long after camp is over. So, lets all put on our safety glasses, lab aprons and rubber gloves and see what strange potions we can concoct. 859-368-7334
MONDAY Night - Make a World: Sketching the Genius of Ed Emberly - Prairie Creek Elementary School
Abandon all ye puny stick figures! For these campers will learn to draw virtually EVERYTHING in their imagination by connecting lines, curves and shapes in logical patterns of construction. We will take our inspiration from the dynamic and colorful world of the accomplished American artist, Edward R. Emberley. But wait, there is so much more than just drawing! This project-based learning course is designed to vigorously enrich each childs natural tendency to illustrate and create. Students will make an unlimited supply of exciting drawing ideas in a personal journal as they develop a colorful story-mural or a graphic novelette. Recommended Brain Age: 1 st – 6 th grade 2148860142.0
Billy Kovatch Hitting Camp (Ages 7-10) - Wingate Baseball Park
Campers will be grouped by age/skill level. Water & drinks will be available. Campers can stay from 12:00 pm – 3:00pm for the second half of the All-Sports Camp for a fee of $10/day or $30 for the week. **Please note if a camper stays, they need to bring their own lunch. Camp Features: •Led by Billy Kovatch •Professional & Collegiate Instructors •Player Evaluations •Limited number of athletes per instructor Camp Topics: •Mechanical Breakdown •Hitting for Average •Hitting for Power •Offensive Approaches •Bunting •Plyometric/Explosive Hitting Drills •Video Analysis 904-219-8417
Lights, Camera, Action! (Little Safari) - Sayre School
Stars will be born as we go Hollywood at Summer Safari camp! This week, campers will get to dress up in fun costumes, put on plays and skits, and walk to the Kentucky Theater for popcorn and a movie with friends! 859-254-1361 x263
KidzArt: Caribbean Adventure (June 20, Afternoon) - McDowell Arts Center
Using a variety of amazing MIXED MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES campers will explore the USA and discover the treasure of the Caribbean! Everything from pirates, to seahorses, mermaids, dude ranches, Hopi villages, surfers, and all things in between! Create the art that represents every stop along the way! Every camp includes the fun, proven, KidzArt method of learning to "see" like an artist and drawing what you see! Another summer of terrific KidzArt camps for our young art trekkers! AND ITS FUN! Half-Day Prices: Matthews Resident - $155 Non-Resident - $165 Full-Day Prices: Matthews Resident - $265 Non-Resident - $275 **Pre & Post Care for FULL-DAY CAMPERS available through KidzArt at** **More about KidzArt at** AGE CATEGORY Youth LOCATION MAC Downstairs at McDowell Arts Center INSTRUCTOR KidzArt Staff KidzArt Staff